Introduction to deep learning  

The course provides an introduction to key concepts, architectures, and algorithms for Deep Learning and its applications. It covers the following topics: Part One: Multilayer Peceptron and Backpropagation From a Single Layer Perceptron to Deep Learning: a historical perspective Algorithms for training MLPs: Stochastic Gradient Descent and its variants; Backpropagation Alternative activation and loss functions; Initialization, Regularization, Dropout, Batch Normalization Introduction to GPU-computing, Keras, TensorFlow; Hyperparameter Tuning Part Two: Deep Learning for computer vision and language processing Convolutional Networks: key architectures and applications; Transfer Learning Recurrent Networks: from Backpropagation Through Time to Attention Mechanism and Transformers Part Three: Generative Networks Autoencoders Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN's) Diffusion Models During the course several state-of-the-art applications of Deep Learning to image recognition, computer vision, language modeling, game playing programs, etc., will be discussed. The course consists of weekly lectures, three programming assignments (in Python, TensorFlow) and the final written exam. Outcome: Not Provided
Introduction to deep learning

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